Western Grebe

Western Grebe

This Western Grebe, at Oxbow Bend in Teton National Park, is definitely among the more difficult photos that I’ve captured. As I worked to line up a shot of this bird I also discovered fresh bear tracks, likely grizzly, along the shore and realized I might not be alone. I had been trudging along the extremely mushy shoreline, my feet sinking several inches with each step, to follow the Grebe while trying to get a decent photo. Seeing the bear tracks and realizing that the Grebe was staying just out of reach I eventually decided to go back to the shoreline closer the turnaround where I felt a little more safe. I sat on the beach for over an hour waiting to see what would swim by. The angle of the sun was a little harsh but eventually this Grebe did swim close enough for some photos. So hopefully this photo illustrates that both patience and safety are critical when photographing wildlife. Oh, and good footwear. I also wrecked the sneakers I had been wearing on this little adventure.

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